Get Involved With YFC
Student Enrollment
Enrolling your student ensures we have updated emergency and contact information.
City Life - MS
Teen City is open for 6th graders on Monday and Tuesday and Thursday and Friday for 7th and 8th graders.
We're open after school until 5:00pm. We follow the school calendar, so if school is closed, so is TEEN CITY.
TEEN CITY strives to follow Jesus’ example from Luke 2:52, guiding youth's growth spiritually, mentally, physically and socially. When they walk through the doors, they'll be met by caring staff, fun activities and positive opportunities.
It’s growing harder for young people to find a safe place during after-school hours. Here at YFC, our heart is to meet a very real need. The highest percentage of youth delinquency takes place during the after-school hours. We saw this as our window of opportunity and created TEEN CITY.
If your student is interested in attending Teen City please find the ENROLL HERE button below and fill out the form.
There is no cost to attend TEEN CITY, but we do encourage parents and others to contribute to Youth for Christ, as we are solely funded by the local community. YFC is a tax-deductible charity.
Get Involved With YFC
Enrolling your student ensures we have updated emergency and contact information.