February 9th is this year's Giving Hearts Day. It is a 24-hour online fundraiser for non-profit charities in western Minnesota and North Dakota. It is sponsored by the Dakota Medical Foundation (DMF) and Impact Foundation. A generous donor has agreed to match all donations to James Valley YFC up to $10,000. This will mark the fourth year James Valley YFC has participated in Giving Hearts Day. Only non-profit, 501c3 organizations, like James Valley YFC, who have met all the qualifications and training requirements are eligible to participating in this amazing opportunity. The proceeds that YFC raises on this day will fund the on-going ministry of James Valley YFC in Jamestown and Valley City. To donate on Feb. 9th (or to schedule a gift for Feb. 9th) go to givingheartsday.org and select James Valley Youth For Christ. If you wish, you can send a check, but it must be dated Feb 9th and include GHD in the memo to qualify for the matching gifts. Thank you.
Giving Hearts Day 2021